Crew feel closer to home if they are able to easily keep up with news, sports and current affairs. XChange Media brings crew together in their social time in a communal environment that further fosters good teamwork and morale. Every day, XChange Media delivers international news, reports, sports bulletins and entertainment magazines to crew on board.
Compatible with all major smart-devices, PCs, laptops, as well as communal televisions via a set-top-box
Optional set-top-box fully preconfigured for XChange Media
Multiple language options
Managed from shore and activated within a few clicks
Delivered at no extra airtime cost and without any impact on VSAT allowance or speed
Fully integrated into the XChange service delivery platform with no additional hardware required
XChange Media comes with affordable program packages which can be activated online
Once activated, the content can be shared with all crew members at no extra cost for them, as no internet connection is needed to use the service and no extra log-in or password.
Compatible with Windows, Android and Apple smart-devices, PCs, laptops, as well as TV screens
Global coverage and unlimited viewing onboard for crew
Daily updates of latest news and sport bulletins
Managed from shore and activated within a few clicks
Delivered at no extra airtime cost and without any impact on shipping company’s VSAT allowance
Fully embedded into XChange service delivery platform with no additional cost for hardwar